My name is Evan. I am a musician and hobby-hoarder from central Illinois, US.
My passions include listening to and writing music, playing guitar and the Japanese tsugaru shamisen, playing video games, graphic design, building computers, and a bunch of other things. You can find more info about it, as well as pictures, on the page about my hobbies (note, not built yet)
I was born in 1993, and was exposed to computers and the internet throughout my childhood. This page is a partial attempt at reigniting that love for the web of the 90s and early 2000s. I never had a Geocities, Angelfire, AOL, or Yahoo homepage, but I was an avid browser of various web 1.0 websites around the time, namely ones about Pokemon Red and Blue, and a now defunct site called anomalies-unlimited.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my page. If you want to reach me, my discord is Regolith#5655